About History

ENOVIA products keep a history of actions performed on an object, such as when it was created, when files were checked in or out (and who did the checkin or checkout), and so on. In addition, the application also records the pages you visits, and retains the last 50 pages so you can easily return to a specific page.

The following topics are discussed:

Object History

You can view the history of many items in ENOVIA products, such as the history for parts, documents, routes, and tasks. Anyone who can access the Categories menu and Properties page for an item can view history for the item. For most items, you can access the History page by clicking the History category for the item. For a few kinds of items, you may have to click a History link on a page to see history for an item. For instructions on how to access history for a particular type of item, see the online help or user guide for the application you are using.

For some types of items, the History page shows events for all revisions (or versions) of the item and the rows of history events are separated by revision (or version). When the History page first opens, only the events for the latest revision are displayed but you can refresh the page and show the revisions you want to see, as described below.

Page History

Page History lists the last 50 pages you visited since you logged in.

You can use this list of pages to:

  • Quickly revisit pages you visited recently. Accessing some pages from Page History may require fewer clicks than accessing them through an application's Search feature or through the Navigator pane. Using Page History to revisit pages is also handy if you forget the exact steps for accessing the page.
  • Bookmark a page using your browser's Favorites or Bookmark feature. For pages that you access very often or so infrequently that you forget how to find the page, add the page to your browser's Favorites or Bookmark list. Like any favorite/bookmark, you can customize the link name and organize links into folders.
  • Share the address (URL) for a page with another ENOVIA user. Copy and paste the URL for a page into an email message. Recipients can click the link and go right to the page. If the person is not logged in, they will have to do so and the person must have the appropriate access rights to view the page. If the user does not have the access rights to view the page, an error message displays.

Page History includes all pages that you visited by clicking links on the:

  • menu
  • Actions menu
  • global Toolbar
  • Categories menu

Page History does not include pages that you visited by clicking links:

  • In page Action menus, such as Edit Details, Copy Selected, and so on.
  • Within tables, such as a link to edit an attribute listed in a table
  • For individual IconMail messages, although the IconMail page from the toolbar and the attachment page for a message are included.

Page History includes all the pages listed above that you visit, even pages for items that are subsequently deleted. For example, suppose you visit the Properties page for a part and then the part is deleted from the database. Page History will still list the Properties page. If you click the link to go to the Properties page, the system displays an error message.