Design Policy Lifecycle

The Design Policy governs objects such as CAD Models and CAD Drawings, MCAD objects and IEF objects.

The Design Policy lifecycle includes these states:


A supported object is created in the Preliminary state. The owner performs whatever CAD work is necessary to generate the new file(s), then checks them into the object and promotes it to the Review state and the following checks are fired:

  • The objectl must be connected to an ECO via the ECO New Drawing Revision relationship.
  • All earlier revisions of this object must be at the Release state.

If these checks pass, the object will be promoted to the next state.


The object is reviewed and approved by the Design Reviewer who approves it (or rejects it, if needed).


After the object enters the Approved state, all affected items connected to its ECO are checked to see if they are also in the Approved state. If all affected items are in the Approved state, the ECO is automatically promoted to the Review state. If any single affected item connected to the ECO is in a state prior to Approved, the ECO is not promoted to the Review state.


As the object enters the Release state, an Action fires that disconnects all Part Specification relationships between the previous revision of this object and its parts, then connects identical Drawing Specification relationships between those same parts and this object. This process has the same effect as if float were defined on the TO end of the Part Specification relationship.

In the Release state no disconnections of any relationships are allowed. Connections are however permitted to ECR objects that want to revise the object.