Service Key Lifecycle

A service key grants a user access to any web services added directly to the key or to a folder that has been added to the key.

The Service Key lifecycle includes these states:


A service key must be in the active state for the user it is configured for to be able to login. A service key is created in the active state; and the Service Administrator can Inactivate or Activate it as needed.


When a service key is in he inactive state, the user it is configured for cannot login or access any of the web services assigned to the key. A Service Administrator can Inactivate or Activate it as needed.


A service can be configured with a time limit (expires after a specified date), a usage limit (allows a specific number of logins), or both (when either or the time limit or usage limit is exceeded). The service key automatically expires when the set limit is exceeded. The Service Administrator can renew the service key to allow the user continued access to the web services assigned to that service key.