Simulation Lifecycle

A simulation is a process that validates, transforms, or complements a product definition. A simulation consists of one or more simulation activities. The simulation and simulation activities are used to collect and organize data and processes that reproduce the scenario you are trying to simulate. This lifecycle is used for simulations that do not require a formal review process.

See also Simulation - Controlled Lifecycle. For more details about working with simulations, see the SIMULIA SLM User's Guide.

The Simulation lifecycle includes these states:

In Process

A simulation can be created by a Simulation Methods Developer or Simulation Analyst. The owner has complete access to a simulation in the In Process state. This state represents the simulation while it is being developed.

A simulation consists of none, one or more simulation activities. For example, a typical finite element analysis includes at least three activities:

  • Preprocessing. Creation of the model, the prescribed conditions, and the mesh.
  • Execution. Analysis of the model by the finite element analysis application.
  • Postprocessing. Extraction of the results of the analysis into a usable form; for example, a plot, animation, or spreadsheet.

When your simulation and its activities have been defined, you can execute the simulation and generate the desired results, such as a plot or a report.


The simulation is ready for execution by a Simulation Analyst. A Simulation Analyst with read access can revise the simulation.


The simulation is no longer relevant and is not expected to be executed. The owner can delete the simulation in the Obsolete state.