Simulation Template Lifecycle

A simulation template lets you define a structure and use that structure to create multiple simulations. The simulation template also contains instructions and options that control the creation of simulations or simulation activities.

For more details about working with simulations, see the SIMULIA SLM User's Guide. The Simulation Template lifecycle includes these states:


A Simulation Methods Developer defines the simulation template.


The Simulation Analyst can use a template to create simulations and simulation activities only when the template is in the Released state.

You cannot demote a simulation template back to the Development state if it is used by a simulation or simulation activity. In addition, the simulation template cannot be deleted if it has been used to create any simulations or simulation activities.


Although a template in the Obsolete state can be used to create simulations and simulation activities, SIMULIA and ENOVIA recommend that only templates in the Released state be used to create simulations and simulation activities.