The task has just been created and an assignee specified. When a Project
Lead is ready for work to begin on a WBS task, the Lead promotes it to
The system notifies assignees and the tasks appear by default on the
assignee's WBS Tasks page.
The assignees have begun work on the task. The system automatically
promotes a task to Active when the % Complete is changed from 0% to any
percentage less than 100. Alternatively, an assignee can promote the
task to Active to indicate it is being worked on.
Project members are reviewing the task and its deliverables. When 100%
is entered for % Complete, the system automatically promotes the task
to Review. Alternatively, the task can be promoted to Review and the
system automatically changes the % Complete to 100%. Typically, an assignee
creates a route to have route members review the task. The route can
be created with the option to automatically complete the task upon completion
of the route.
The task is complete. The system automatically promotes a task to Complete
when an assignee enters an Actual Finish Date. Alternatively, an assignee
can promote the task to Complete and the system enters the current date
as the Actual Finish Date.