Tasks/Signatures Tab of the Lifecycle PowerView Page

The Tasks/Signatures tab of the Lifecycle/Review PowerView lists all tasks associated with an object, and the approval information for that task. This tab lets you quickly see any outstanding tasks associated with an object. Only tasks and signature requirements for the current state of the object display on this page; tasks/signatures for prior or future states do not appear in the list.

You access this page by clicking the Tasks/Signatures tab on the Lifecycle/Review PowerView page.

This topic defines these items:

Related Topics
Viewing an Object's Lifecycle


Column Name Description
Route Status
  • No icon if task is not yet due
  • Green arrow if complete
  • Yellow arrow if task complete but the route requires an approval
  • Red block if late
Name The Name assigned to the task or the Signature required. Click to view the properties page for the task in a new window. If the row is for a signature requirement (not associated with a route), the Name is not a link.
Approver The person assigned as the approver for this task. When not yet approved, the value could be a specific person, a role, or a group. After approval, shows the name of the actual user who approved the task.
Title Title from the task or blank if a signature requirement.
Approval Status
  • Accept. The task is assigned to a role and needs to be accepted by someone in that role. To accept a task assigned to a role or group that you belong to, click Accept in the Approval Status column.
  • Awaiting Approval. The task needs to be approved. See Applying a Signature
  • Pending. The tasks or signatures are not yet created (for subsequent lifecycle state or for a route with prior tasks)
  • Pending Order N. For an active Route, N shows the order of the task in the route.
  • Approve. Click to open the page where you can approve or reject the task. See Applying a Signature.
  • Completed. For a task, the task has been completed
  • Approved. For a signature requirement, an appropriate signature has been entered
  • Rejected. For a signature requirement, the required user rejected the task
  • Ignored. For a signature requirement, the user indicated the signature could be ignored
Approval/Due Date The date the task/signature is due, or if already done, the date the task/signature was completed or approved.
Comments/Instructions Comments entered when completing the task or signing for the signature requirement; if not yet completed or signed, shows the instructions given for the task, or blank for a signature requirement.
Related Objects

If the task is for an object related to the one being viewed that affects this object's ability to be promoted:

  • Name. The name of the related object
  • State. The current lifecycle state of the related object


This table lists the filter options:

Filter Filter Choice Description
Show My Approval Show tasks and signature requirements that you can approve or complete
All Approvals Show all tasks and signature requirements that need completion or approval
Approval Status All Show all tasks and signature requirements for this Lifecycle state
Pending Show only those tasks and signature requirements that need to be done
Completed Show only those tasks and signature requirements already done

If this filter does not display, related objects are not included for this object's Lifecycle.

Current Object Show only those tasks or signature requirements for the current object
Current and Related Objects In addition to the current object, show tasks and signature requirements for related objects that are required for this object to be promoted

Actions Menu and Page Toolbar

This table lists the actions available on the toolbar:

Action Name Description
Approve Assigned Tasks Allows you to approve multiple selected tasks. See Approving Multiple Tasks. The tasks must be assigned to you.