Creating Charts

You can generate a chart for numeric table data by selecting a type of chart, and which data to chart. Charts are generated using KavaChart, which must be installed on the application server.

For details, see

Before you begin:
  • Search for the object you want to work with, see Searching.


  • Select a menu command from the menu.


  • Use any method to view a table of data.
  1. Click in the page toolbar for a table with columns having numeric attributes. If the page toolbar does not contain the chart tool, the chart option is not available for that page.

  2. Enter details to define the chart:

    Note: For multi-select fields, use CTRL + click for Windows or Unix, CMD + click for Macintosh.

    Field Name How to Enter Values
    Chart Type Select from the drop-down list: Bar Chart, Stacked Bar Chart, Pie Chart, and Line Chart. A Stacked Bar Chart stacks multiple Y-Axis column values instead of drawing them side-by-side as done in a simple Bar Chart.
    3D Check to render the chart with 3D effects.
    For Bar Chart and Stacked Bar Chart
    X-Axis Select the single non-numerical table column to be used as the X-Axis in the chart.
    Y-Axis Select one or more numeric columns to be used as the Y-Axis in the chart.
    X-Labels Select whether you want X-Axis field labels drawn in a Horizontal direction or Vertical direction
    For Pie Chart:
    Slice Labels Select the non-numeric column to be used as the heading for the pie chart.
    Chart Data Select the numeric column you want to be charted and drawn in slices.
    For Line Chart:
    X-Axis Select the single numeric column to be used as the X-Axis in the chart.
    Chart Data Select the numeric column you want drawn in lines. To select multiples, press CTRL while clicking each name. The pie chart will not display if you choose a column having one or more negative values.
    Y-Axis Select one or more numeric columns to be used as the Y-Axis in the chart. To select multiples, press CTRL while clicking each name

    Note: If a numeric column is configured with units of measure, the units stored in the database and those displayed in the table may be different. For example, the database may store values in mm, and a table may display them in cm. The chart always use the values and labels stored in the database, not those displayed in the table. The legend and axis labels show the default units.

  3. Click Done.

    The chart displays in a separate window.

    If the table is not paginated, then the chart includes all objects.

    If the table is paginated and no rows are checked, then the chart includes all objects on that page only.

    If specific objects are checked, then the chart is drawn based on the selected objects only.

    If the table contains no data, then clicking the icon gives an alert saying that the chart cannot be drawn as there is no data in the table.

    Note: Pie charts cannot be drawn if the selected y-axis column values have both positive and negative values. An alert is shown. The selected y-axis column values must be either all positive or all negative.

    The chart window stays open so you can change options and create multiple charts.

  4. To close the chart window, click the "x" in the upper right corner.