Making Column Calculations

Some pages include a calculations tool that lets you perform calculations on a numeric column such as total, average, median, and so on, to display at the bottom of the table.

If the calculator tool does not show on the page toolbar, you cannot perform calculations on that page.

Before you begin: View the page that contains a numeric column.
  1. Click in the page toolbar.

    The title shows "Table" or "Structure Browser" depending on the type of list page. Calculations work the same for both types of pages.

    If the columns are configured to show calculations by default, then the appropriate options will already be selected in the dialog. You can accept or change the defaults.

  2. Select one or more Columns that contain numeric data for the calculation. To select more than one column, press CTRL while selecting the name of each column.

  3. Check one or more calculation Functions:

    Function Description
    Total A real number that calculates a total of all the values in the column
    Average A real number that calculates the average of all values in the column
    Maximum A real number that determines the single largest value in the column
    Minimum A real number that determines the single smallest value in the column
    Median A real number that determines the middle number of all values in the column
    Standard Deviation

    A real number used in statistical analysis that indicates how closely data conforms to the mean in a set of data. The calculation used is:

    where N is the total number of items (this formula is different from Microsoft Excel's standard deviation formula).

  4. Click Done.

    Calculations are displayed at the bottom of the page. In the paginated view of the table, page level calculations as well as calculations for the entire set of objects in the table (all calculations) are shown at the bottom of every page.