Promoting and Demoting Groups of Objects

In addition to promoting or demoting an individual object from its lifecycle page, you can promote or demote groups of objects from any page that has Promote or Demote tools in the toolbar.

When promoting or demoting a group of objects, all selected objects must be in the same lifecycle state.

Before you begin: Open a page that lists the objects you want to promote or demote.
  1. Check all items you want to promote or demote. The selected objects must be in the same state; you can use the page filter () to filter the page for a specific state.

  2. Click or in the page toolbar, click OK to confirm.

    Depending on how many objects you selected, it could take a while to complete the promotion/demotion. When finished, the system displays a report indicating how many objects were promoted/demoted or could not be promoted/demoted.

    You might want to print this report; if you close it, you cannot reopen it at a later time.

    Common reasons that an object could not be promoted include:

    • No Promote Access. You do not have permission to promote the listed object.
    • Signature Missing. A required approval was not provided for the listed object.
    • Business Rules Failed. A trigger that verifies specific conditions for the listed object indicated a problem. See the Description for details.
    • Excluded Types Selected. You selected an object that is not allowed to be promoted in a group. See Promoting and Demoting an Object for instructions.

    Any objects that could be promoted are promoted; this report only lists those objects that could not be promoted for any reason.