Choosing to Show or Hide the Browser Toolbar

You can choose whether or not to show the browser toolbar. The browser's menu, toolbar, and address bar take up room on your screen. If you want to remove these items, leaving more room for ENOVIA product pages, you can change the Toggle Browser Toolbar preference.

Changing the preference does not hide or show the browser toolbar until the next time you log in. After you successfully log in, the system checks your preference. If the setting for Show Browser Toolbar is Yes, then the ENOVIA product window displays and the browser toolbar is available. If the setting for Show Browser Toolbar is No, then the application window opens in a new window without any browser menus or tools, and the login window is closed.

  1. From the global toolbar, select > My Tools > Preferences. The Preferences dialog box opens.

  2. From the General category, click Toggle Browser Toolbar.

  3. Click the Yes option to show the toolbar; click the No option to hide the toolbar.

  4. Click Apply or Done to save your selection. Clicking Apply leaves the Preferences popup open so you can set other preferences. Clicking Done closes it.