Choosing a Language for Notifications

You can specify the language for system-generated notifications sent to you, such as notifications that you have been assigned a task or a route you created has been completed. (Mails created by individual users are not translated.) Depending on how your system is configured, if you do not choose a default language, the system notifications may contain messages translated in several languages or just one language. In such a case, the notifications may not include the language you have your browser set to.

System notifications list only the recipients who have chosen the same language preference as the one you choose. The system may have sent the same notification to other recipients in different languages.

  1. From the global toolbar, select > My Tools > Preferences. The Preferences dialog box opens.

    The left side of the dialog box lists the global preferences and preferences for each ENOVIA product.

  2. From the General category, click Default Language.

  3. Choose the Language you want.

  4. Click Apply or Done to save your selection. Clicking Apply leaves the Preferences popup open so you can set other preferences. Clicking Done closes it.