Access Checks for Messages

A discussion consists of an initial message and the replies to that message. Access is initially determined based on whether or not the logged in user has access to the discussion's parent object.

Access is also determined by whether or not the logged in user is:

  • Internal. Employees of the host company (and any business units, divisions, or departments)
  • External. Employees of other companies (such as suppliers or customers) who have been granted access to the ENOVIA product

Internal users can access all public and private messages (if they have access to the parent object); external users can only access public messages (if they have access to the parent object).

Note: External users assigned to the Private Discussion association can only access those messages where the parent object of the discussion is connected to that user's organization using the Design Responsibility relationship.

The initial message can be created as public or private. If public, an internal user can create either a public or private reply to the message. If private, external users have no access to the discussion. If an internal user creates a private reply to a public message, or future replies to that reply will be private and cannot be changed to public. If an internal user wants to create a public reply, that user must select a prior public message or create a new discussion.