About the Image Manager

The Image Manager lets you work with images for a company (or other organization), part, or other object.

All users can associate images with business objects. Typical objects that might have images for visual identification are parts and documents, but any business object can have images associated with it.

The System Administrator can specify image formats, sizing, and directory location for all images associated with objects, see "Image Properties" in the Business Process Services Administrator's Guide.

The first time you view a 3D or 2D image in the Image Manager page, you are asked if you would like to install the 3DLive Examine Plugin. 3DLive Examine is a webtop visualization component used to view 3D and 2D images (CGM, CGR or 3DXML files) associated with parts and CAD models. You must have Administrator privileges on your computer to install the 3DLive Examine Plugin. If you choose to install it, 3DLive Examine is downloaded from the Live Collaboration Server and installed on your machine. The next time you view a 3D or 2D image, 3DLive Examine already installed on your machine is used.

3DLive Examine can be installed only on 32-bit and 64-bit Windows platforms. You can invoke 3DLive Examine from Internet Explorer clients on both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms and from Firefox clients on 32-bit platforms.