Editing Company Currency Exchange Rates

Administrators can define the currencies that can be converted and their conversion rates for their company. For each conversion, you can specify different exchange rates for specific time periods.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin:

View the Currency Exchange Rates page for the company. See Currency Exchange Rates Page.

Edit a Single Cell

  1. Click Enable Edit on the page toolbar. The values that can be edited show with a gray triangle.

  2. Click in a cell to edit that value. In the text pop-up, enter the needed value, then press tab or click in another cell. If you edit a date, the calendar chooser opens and you can select a new date.

    The proposed change displays in bold-italic text and the row is marked with the "contains edits" symbol. You can make any number of proposed changes to any combination of cells prior to applying them. Until you apply the changes, the database is not updated.

  3. Click Apply.

  4. Click Disable Edit.

Edit Multiple Cells

  1. Click Enable Edit on the page toolbar.

  2. Check the rates you want to edit.

    Select the column you want to update from the Mass Update drop-down list, either Rate or Effective Date. When editing exchange rates, it may not make sense to change rates for different currencies to the same value; but you may need to change the effective dates for multiple currencies to the same value, such as when updating currency exchange rates to today's values.

    An edit window opens beneath the Mass Update toolbar. Click the X to close the edit window without making changes.

  3. Enter a value for the selected column. For a Rate, a text box shows; for an Effective Date, the calendar chooser shows.

  4. To apply the change, click:

    • Apply to Selected. Only updates those objects that are checked
    • Apply to All. Updates all objects on the page whether or not checked

    The proposed change is shown in italics and the row is marked with the "contains edits" symbol. You can make any number of changes to any combination of cells prior to applying them. Until you apply the changes, the database is not updated.

  5. Click Apply.

  6. Click Disable Edit.