Connecting to State-Sensitive File/Folder in DesignSync

When using the Semiconductor Accelerator for Enterprise Project Management, you can connect to state-sensitive files or folders in DesignSync.

If the object you need to connect to is used within a task, you can specify the state at which the task considers the object "complete". For example, if the task requires the approval of a document, the completion state would be Approved. When the object reaches the Approved state, then the task is automatically promoted to its next state, taking into consideration any other objects or subtasks associated with the task. The dialog box lets you choose any lifecycle state, so you need to understand how the tasks are designed to select the required state.

The Create New > State Sensitive DesignSync File/Folder menu replaces the Create IC Document and Create IC Folder commands in prior software versions.

Before you begin: Navigate to the Content page for an object that lists documents, such as a workspace folder.
  1. From the page that lists documents, click Create New > State Sensitive DesignSync File/Folder from the page Actions menu or toolbar.

    The State Sensitive DesignSync File/Folder dialog opens.

  2. Enter the following details:

    Field Name Description
    Name Enter the name for the file you are connecting or check the Autoname box to have the system assign a name.
    Type Select the type of business object the DesignSync file will get associated with.
    Policy Select the policy governing the business object.
    Completion State Select a state from the drop-down list. The list displays the states defined for the selected policy. The selected state is used to calculate when the task associated with the object is considered complete.
    Description Enter a descriptive comment about the file you are connecting.
    Server Select the DesignSync server (for example, rootOf2647).
    Path Use the browse button to select the path, or type the path into the text box. If you type the path:
    • For a file, enter the directory path and the name of the file (for example
    • For a folder, enter the directory path to that folder (including the folder name). If the relative path to the folder does not exist in the server, it is created.

    If you type the path and select a folder, the path field must not end with ';' since a folder cannot end with a semicolon.

    If you manually enter the path, it cannot contain any of these special characters: @,*?[]#${}"<>|: ' ~%^&()`=

    Selector Enter the name of the branch where the file will be stored. If the branch entered is not a legal branch selector, an error is returned during check in
    • If you enter Trunk, the systems appends :Latest to the branch; the selector would be Trunk:Latest.
    • If you enter a text string with a colon, the system appends Latest to the branch. For example, if you enter Gold:, the selector would be Gold:Latest.
    • If you enter a text string other than Trunk without a colon, the system does not append anything to the branch. For example, if you enter Gold, the selector would be Gold.
    Viewer Format Select the format (for example JT) in which you want the file to open for viewing.

    To search for the path:

    1. Click for Select Object from Server.
    2. Select the object on the DesignSync server that you want to connect to.
    3. Click Submit.

      Your choice selects the button for the selected type of DesignSync object: File or Folder.

  3. Click Done.

    The connection is created. A business object is created and all metadata related to the connection are stored in this object for reference.

    The connect operation succeeds even if no physical file exists in DesignSync.

    If you see an error message with "connection refused", then the DesignSync server is down or otherwise unavailable. Contact your System Administrator for help.