Pushing Subscriptions

To push a subscription means that you select people to receive notifications about specific events. Typically, supervisors push subscriptions to the people who report to them, however, any user with an Employee role can push subscriptions for an item to other users. Subscriptions cannot be pushed exclusively to a role. Users can remove subscriptions that they chose, but users cannot remove subscriptions that have been pushed to them.

Before you begin: Navigate to the Properties page of the route or other item.
  1. Select Push Subscriptions from the page Actions menu or toolbar.

    The Push Subscription page opens, listing all events that can be pushed to another person. The Recipients column shows the number of people you have pushed subscriptions to for each event. The following graphic shows the Push Subscriptions page for a route.

  2. For each event that you want the system to notify other people for, click the linked number in the Recipients column. See Selecting Recipients for a Subscription.

  3. When finished selecting recipients, click Done.