About Translating Schema

Translations for schema names are stored using strings in the string resources properties files, which are installed as part of ENOVIA Business Process Services.

For ENOVIA Business Process Services, these files comprise the string resources:

  • emxFrameworkStringResource.properties
  • emxCommonStringResource.properties
  • emxMetricsStringResource.properties
  • emxTeamCentralStringResource.properties

Each schema object has a unique string ID, which includes the actual name of the object in the schema. Therefore, if you change the name of a schema object, you must rename the string ID for the object in the English emxFrameworkStringResource.properties file, as well as in each of the translated versions of the file (such as emxFrameworkStringResource_ja.properties). Similarly, if you add new schema that you want to be translated, you must add a string for it in each property file.

The properties files must be encoded in ASCII for all languages, both double-byte and Latin-based languages. To edit text for languages that include non-ASCII characters, work with the native file that is included in the properties directory (such as emxFrameworkStringResource_jaNative.properties) and then convert the modified file to ASCII. These native files are encoded using the native format for the language. For the English files, you need only make sure you save the properties file as ASCII. See Adding and Editing Schema Translations.