CancelButton |
Determines whether or not a Cancel link shows
in the results table footer frame. Applies only for tables displayed
in popup windows |
true false (default) |
CancelLabel |
Specifies the constant string or string property
used as the label for the Cancel link when CancelButton=true. |
Default=Cancel |
*form |
Required by the search interface using the webform. Specifies
the web form administrative object used for presenting the form page.
You must use the actual form name: symbolic names are not supported. |
Name of web form administrative object. emxFormEditDisplay.jsp?form=
ENCPart |
header |
Specifies the constant string or string property
used as the header for the search results page. |
emxPart:getPartSearchResults& table=ENCGeneralSearchResults&
form=EngPartSearch&sortColumnName=Name&header=emxEngineeringCentral.Common.SearchResults |
HelpMarker |
Specifies the name of the help marker to call
for context-sensitive help. |
emxPart:getPartSearchResults& table=ENCGeneralSearchResults&
emxhelpfindselectresults |
pagination |
Specifies the number of rows of data to show
per page in the search results page. If not used, the system default
specified in is used. If 0, all objects are displayed
in a single page. |
0 10 25 |
*program |
Required by the search interface using the webform. Specifies
the name of the JPO and the function within the JPO invoked to retrieve
the objects from the database based on search criteria. |
emxProductSearchBase:getUseCases |
resultsToolbar |
Toolbar to display on the seach results page. You
must include the code described in About the Configurable Search Webform
in the custom JSP. |
Name of menu administrative object that represents
a toolbar. |
selection |
Controls whether or not the results table includes
a column of check boxes (supports multiples seletions) or radio buttons
(supports single selection) as the first colum. |
mulitple--displays check boxes single--displays
radio boxes none--no selection allowed |
showPageURLIcon |
When true, shows in the toolbar. This tool lets users copy the
URL to the specific ENOVIA application page. When false, the icon does not
show in the toolbar. The default value for this parameter is defined
by the emxFramework.Toolbar.ShowPageURLIcon property
in |
true false |
sortColumnName |
Specifies which column to use to sort table
data in the search results page. If not specified, the results page is
opens unsorted. |
emxProductSearchBase:getUseCases& table=PRCSearchUseCasesTable&
CommandName=ENCSearchFindParts& sortColumnName=Name |
Style |
Specifies the style sheet used to display the
header and the results table page. The list value shows the results in
the content frame of emxNavigator.jsp. The dialog value indicates a popup
dialog box. |
list (default) dialog |
SubmitURL |
Determines whether or not the results table
includes a Submit link in the footer and provides the name of the JSP.
When specified, the selected data is posted to the defined URL when the
user clicks the link. |
SubmitLabel |
When a value is provided for SubmitURL, the
constant string or string property used as the label for the Submit link. |
Default=Submit |
*table |
Required by the search interface using the webform. Specifies
the table object used for presenting the search results. Must be the
actual table name; symbolic names are not supported. |
${COMMON_DIR}/emxFormEditDisplay.jsp?program=emxProductSearchBase:getUseCases&table=PRCSearchUseCases |
toolbar |
Specifies the menu administrative object used
in the header frame. May use the AEFSearchResultsToolbar as the toolbar
to leverage "Revise Search" and "Add to Collection" support |
Name of menu administrative object that represents
a toolbar. |
*Required |