Changing Onscreen Text

All onscreen text for ENOVIA products is stored in properties files named This includes text called from JSPs, text called from Tcl programs and triggers, and text displayed in email notifications. All properties files are located in Apps/Framework/VERSION/UserInterface.

ENOVIA Business Process Services uses these string resource files:

  • emxTeamCentralStringResource.properites

See Internationalizing Business Process Services Products for more details.

  1. Open the appropriate string resource properties file in any text editor.

  2. Search for the text string that you want to change.

  3. Edit the text string as needed. Make sure you only edit the value, which is the text that appears after the equals sign (=). Do not edit the ID itself.

    For example, to change the column heading labelled "Login Name" within IconMail to "User Name", you change this line in the file:

    emxFramework.IconMail.Common.LoginName = Login Name


    emxFramework.IconMail.Common.LoginName = User Name

  4. Save the properties file as ASCII.

    If there is an _en version of the properties file, save the file as the _en version. The en version is used to show English text on a non-English operating system.

    Always make backups of string resource properties files that you configure. When you install a new version of ENOVIA Business Process Services or applications, the string resource properties files will be overwritten with updated files.