The $<> delimiters identify macro names. The system
evaluates macros at run-time and before displaying in the UI.
Strings defined using macros and expressions cannot be internationalized.
Strings can include select clauses that are evaluated against the
appropriate business object at run-time. The $<> delimiters identify
select clauses. Select clauses generally use symbolic names and are preprocessed
to perform any substitutions before submitting for evaluation. This example
shows a macro in the href definition, a macro in the Image setting, as
well as a select clause in the label definition of a tree menu (associated
with a Line Item object):
MQL<2>print menu type_LineItem;
menu type_LineItem
label '$<attribute[attribute_EnteredName].value>'
href '${SUITE_DIR}/LineItemDetailsFS.jsp'
setting Image value ${COMMON_DIR}/iconSmallRFQLineItem.gif
setting Registered Suite value Sourcing
command SCSAttributeGroup
command SCSAttachment
command SCSSupplierExclusion
command SCSUDA
command SCSLineItemHistory
The following example shows a typical business object
macro being used in the label definition of a tree menu associated with
a Company object (the tree menu shows as the Categories menuin the UI):
MQL<3>print menu type_Company;
menu type_Company
label '$<name>'
href '${COMMON_DIR}/emxForm.jsp?form=type_Company&toolbar=APPCompanyDetailsToolBar&HelpMarker=emxhelpcompanyproperties&formHeader=emxComponents.Common.PropertiesPageHeading'
setting Image value ${COMMON_DIR}/iconSmallOrganization.gif
setting Registered Suite value Components
command APPBusinessSkills
command BusinessUnit
command PMCCalendar
command APPCapabilities
command APPCollaborationPartners
command Department
command APPFormats
command Location
command APPPlant
command People
command Regions
command APPSubsidiary
command APPCompanyImageManager
command APPCurrencyExchangeRates
Surround macros with quotes to ensure proper substitution
for values that contain spaces.