Design QuestionsHow should field values be obtained? When designing form fields ask yourself these questions when deciding how to obtain values:
Who should have access to the field? Define the users, groups, and roles who can access the field. Form fields have the same access checks as the other UI components. Does the field need to be translated? If so, the labels should be translated in the file for the application as described in Internationalizing Dynamic UI Components. If the field's value is the name of an administrative object, policy state names, vault name, or ranges for an attribute, use the Admin Type setting. When the Allow Manual Edit setting is true, the Admin Type is ignored. How should the field be displayed on a View mode form?
Should the field be editable? If yes, add the Editable=true setting or do not specify the setting (it defaults to true). Then see the options listed below for editable fields. If no, add the Editable=false setting. If editable, what characteristics should the field have?
Entering Field Values Using Type AheadThe Type Ahead feature stores text values entered in form text fields, then displays the most recent entries the next time that the user enters that field. They can then select from the list rather than needing to type the complete value or use a chooser. Type ahead can be achieved using any of these methods:
If a field is defined with both a custom JPO and advanced search for Type Ahead, then the custom JPO is used. When defining a field, you can:
The number of values stored for each user per field depends on the value for the emxFramework.TypeAhead.SavedValuesLimit property in the file. The default is 10 unique values and can be overridden at the field level using the TypeAhead Saved Values Limit setting. Duplicate values are discarded so that each of the values is unique. The values are stored in the order they are submitted so that the oldest item is removed when the list is full. Although stored in submitted order, the values are displayed in alphabetic order. Set the emxFrameworkTypeAhead property in the file to true to enable Type Ahead for all fields on all forms. You can explicitly disable field settings by using the TypeAhead=false setting. List box, date, and multiline fields are not supported. If the system property is set to false, Type Ahead is disabled even if the field setting enables it. To avoid conflicts with the browser's built-in auto-complete capability, the JPO must set the HTML autocomplete attribute to false. Field values are stored in the Revision field of a workspace Cue object in an XML document. The naming format used for the Cue object is emx_form_formname. One cue object stores all values for the relevant fields on the specified form for the context user. Cues apply to the current context, so a user only sees the values they enter. The cues are created in the inactive state. Note: Cues are used by the ENOVIA Matrix Navigator and PowerWeb to provide visual signals for specific objects. If a type ahead cue is made active, it will have no affect. See the MQL Guide for complete details about cues. When the user starts typing or double-clicks in the field, the page pops up the list of stored values. The user can:
If the user types a value that does not match anything in the list, the popup closes. If the field uses a JPO:method, the functionality is slightly different. The field pops up the list of recently-entered values as described above. When the user types something that does not match any of those values and exceeds the character count setting, the JPO is triggered to return the list of matching values. This process results in the list first showing several values, the number of values gets shorter as the user types, and then the list may get longer when the JPO method returns matching values. To implement type ahead functionality, you need to define these settings on the field:
You must also create the JPO and method called by the TypeAhead Program and TypeAhead Function settings. Using Type Ahead in Custom FormsIf you want to implement the Type Ahead feature in a custom form, you can use the framework's tag library. Use the typeahead:saveFieldValues tag in a processing page to save the field values. Use the typeahead:displayFieldValues tag to show the auto-complete behavior as described in Entering Field Values Using Type Ahead. You must also create the JPO and method that the tag calls. The format for the save tag is: <emxUtil:saveTypeAheadValues context="<%= context %>" form="form1" field="field1" displayFieldValue="<%= tagDisplayValue %>" hiddenFieldValue="<%= tagHiddenValue %>" count="50"/> <emxUtil:commitTypeAheadValues context="<%= context %>" /> Replace the italic text with the values for your custom form.The result of the display tag is a javascript array of the field values. It will also generate the javascript code that calls back to the server to execute the JPO if there is one. The format for the display tag is: <emxUtil:displayTypeAheadValues context="<%= context %>" form="form1" field="field1" displayField="field1Display" hiddenField="field1" program="emxTypeField" function="genValues"/> Units of Measure in Custom FormsIf you want to implement the units of measure (dimension) in a custom form, you can use the framework's tag library. See Units of Measure for Columns for details on using the UOMAttribute tag. Entering URLs and mxLinks in Form FieldsWhen a field has the Dynamic URL setting set to enable, users can enter URLs or mxLinks in a create or edit form, and the system displays those values as hyperlinks in the view form. The valid URL formats are defined by the emxFramework.DynamicURL.Keywords parameter in the file. The emxFramework.DynamicURLEnabled system parameter controls this feature. If enabled at the system level (in the file), it can be disabled for specific text fields by passing the Dynamic URL = disable setting (the default value is enable). Dynamic URLs can be entered in any free-form text fields. Dynamic URLs cannot be entered in a field if:
Users enter the URL in straight text, such as "http:\\\abc.jsp?param=value" or, and then the system converts the text to hyperlinks. When Dynamic URLs are enabled, mxLink values are also enabled. Users can enter an mxLink value in a text box, and the framework converts that entry into a hyperlink. The user can type in the mxLink keyword and value, or search for the mxlink value. See Links to ENOVIA Objects for details on how a user enters the value. The format entered in the text field is: mxlink:<type>|<name>|<revision>|<vault> For example: mxLink:Part|Part-5000-01|0|eService Production This string is translated to a URL pointing to the default page for the object, such as: http://server:8080/ematrix/common/ emxNavigator.jsp?objectId=32902.4369.56921.33541 and displays as a hyperlink such as: Part Part-5000-01 0
When processing the <type> of an mxLink, ENOVIA Business Process Services uses the symbolic name (for example, type_Part), and looks up that symbolic name in the string resources properties file for the language the browser is set to and displays the internationalized name of the type. If the string resources properties file does not contain an entry for the type's symbolic name, then the type displays as entered. SeeLinks to ENOVIA Objects for variations on this format, such as ommitting vault or revision, and using the latest revision identifier. If a user omits the vault or in the mxLink, the framework automatically adds the vault to the stored hyperlink. If a user omits the revision identifier, the framework automatically adds the latest revision identifier to the stored hyperlink. On an edit page, if the field containing a dynamic URL or mxLink is defined as non-editable, then the field displays it as a link the same as on the view page. When the user clicks Done on a page where an mxLink has been entered, the form validates the mxLink entries and displays an error message if any of the values could not be resolved. The user has the option of saving the form anyway, or canceling and fixing the error. If more than 10 errors are found, the message lists up to 10 errors and indicates there are additional errors. Using Dynamic URL Links in Custom PagesYou can use the FormatURL taglib in any custom page or component. This taglib parses the provided text string and formats it as a hyperlink. This taglib can be used in freeform text fields. The TagLib uses these parameters to configure the displayed converted data.
The syntax for this taglib is: <framework:FormatURL text="<text to be formatted>" externalLink="<Yes or No>" /> See the following sections for more specific examples of this taglib's usage. External URLs When the text provided in the taglib code starts with any of the following strings, it will be formatted as a hyperlink:
The end of the URL is defined by a blank space. If the URL is enclosed within double quotes, it can contain blank spaces. For example, this text string: "http://myserver/abc.jsp?param1=value1&parm2=My Value2" will be interpreted as "http://myserver/abc.jsp?param1=value1&parm2=My%20Value2" URLs are not case-sensitive. URLs in Custom JSP Pages For custom JSP pages, you can apply the dynamic URL feature to a description field. For example: <tr><td class="label"><emxUtil:i18n localize="i18nId"> emxFramework.Basic.Description</emxUtil:i18n></td> <td class="field"><framework:FormatURL text="<%=sDescAttr%>"/\></td> </tr> If the link opens an ENOVIA product page, the externalLink attribute is optional; if the link opens a page in an external application (such as an email application), then you should set externaLink = Yes. Object LInks Using mxLink Keyword The text of the FormatURL taglib can use the mxLink keyword with the name/type/revision information to define the link. The syntax for this keyword is: <framework:FormatURL text=mxLink:<type>|<name>|<revision> /> You can use spaces between the colon and pipe characters. The revision is optional. If not provided, the taglib uses the latest revision of the object. If the type/name/revision is not unique because of vaulting setups, the first found object is selected. For example, this code: <framework:FormatURL text=mxLink:Part|P-5000-01|0 externalLink="No" /> will show this as the label: Part P-5001-01 0
with this as the HREF: "http://server40:8080/ematrix/common/emxNavigator.jsp?suiteKey= Components&objectId=32902.4369.56921.33541" You can also use the ObjectID with the mxLink keyword. This code produces the same results as shown above when providing the type/name/revision: <framework:FormatURL text=mxLink:32902.4369.56921.33541 externalLink="No" /> If the Type or Name includes the pipe character, you must use a double-pipe as the separator character. For example, mxLink:Part||Mfg Part|001||0 where Mfg Part|001 is the object name. You cannot mix single and double pipes as separators in the same string. |