In addition to directly defining the URL parameters to pass to emxIndentedTable.jsp, you can use the appendURL parameter to retrieve additional URL parameters from the properties file for the ENOVIA application. The appendURL parameter takes a value in this format: <KEY>|SuiteKey Where the KEY is a component of a property in the properties file of the specified SuiteKey. For example, appendURL=Effectivity|EngineeringCentral The system uses this value, plus the UI component where the appendURL is defined (in this case a structure browser), to fetch the list of additional URL parameters to pass to the UI component. The above example corresponds to this property in the file: emxEngineeringCentral.StructureBrowser.Effectivity = appendColumns=AdditionalColumnsTable&toolbar={$ORIGINAL},effectivitytoolbar In this example, 2 URL parameters are being returned to the Structure Browser page that specified the appendURL parameter: appendColumns and toolbar. The $ORIGINAL macro is used to replace the URL parameter in the original URL string with the one specified in this property. In this example, the toolbar defined in the URL string would be replaced by the one named effectivitytoolbar. As shown by the above example, the file must contain the required key specified in this format: emx<SuiteKey>.<ComponentKey>.<KEY>=VALUE where: