The default dialog box called by the AEFStructureCompare command for selecting comparison criteria is: If the user selected no more than 2 rows prior to clicking Structure Compare in the toolbar, the names of those objects are pre-populated in the Object 1 and Object 2 fields. The user can also use the browse button to use the Framework general search dialog to select a different object for either field. The Match Based On section provides 3 field choices for the user to select columns used to indicate a match. To be considered a match, the values for all 3 fields must be the same for both objects. The user can select 1, 2, or 3 fields. The combo boxes list all fields used in the table except those with a Column Type of Image, Icon or Separator. To eliminate a column from these lists, you need to set the Comparable=false setting for that column. The Compare By section lists all fields that have the Comparable=true setting defined. Fields selected for "Match Based On" are not selectable for this section. When the compare function finds child objects of Object 1 and Object 2 that are considered matches (the values for columns selected in Match Based On section are the same), then the columns selected in this section are used to compare the two objects. The Expand Level determines the initial number of expansions before processing the compare logic. Compare Mode defines the appearance of the compare report, whether it includes the entire summary of objects (Complete Summary), or only listing the differences between 2 objects (Difference Only Summary). |