Cancel Process JPO for an Editable Structure Browser

The cancelProcessJPO parameter specifies the name of the JPO program and method to invoke during cancel processing.

This example shows how to invoke the emxIndentedTable.jsp with cancelProcessJPO:

&cancelProcessJPO=<JPO Name>:<Method Name>

If both a cancelProcessURL and cancelProcessJPO are specified, the cancelProcessURL is processed first followed by the cancelProcessJPO

The cancel process JPO specifies the programMap as an argument for the pre processing. The programMap contains the following HashMaps:

  • requestMap contains all the request parameters
  • paramMap contains these key parameters and expected values:
    Parameter Description


    Object ID


    Relationship ID of the object

  • tableData contains all the column information

The above maps are packed using the packArgs method supported by the JPO and passed to the cancel process JPO being invoked. The cancel process JPO can unpack this input parameter and use it for custom coding.

See Pre Process JPO for an Editable Structure Browser for code samples that retrieve request parameters and the table data.

The cancel process JPO returns a HashMap or returns nothing. The HashMap contains a single key, Message that contains either a string resource key or an original text message to display to the user.

If the cancel Process JPO does not need to communicate to the indented table, it can return nothing (void) or an empty HashMap. In this case, the indented table unloads the page after completing the cancel process.