Cancel Process URL for an Editable Structure Browser

The cancelProcessURL parameter specifies the name of the JSP to call during cancel processing of the structure browser in edit mode.

Examples to invoke the emxIndentedTable.jsp with cancelProcessURL:

Set the href of any command object using macros where appropriate:



Invoke emxIndentedTable.jsp with custom JSP pages using the relative path (macros are not supported):

&cancelProcessURL=../<Application Directory>/emxCustomCancelProcess.jsp

If both a cancelProcessURL and cancelProcessJPO are specified, the cancelProcessURL is processed first followed by the cancelProcessJPO.

The cancel process JSP has the following input parameters available for the cancel processing:

  • The request parameters that were available for the emxIndentedTable.jsp for example, objectId, relId, timeStamp, portalMode, suiteKey, etc. (objectId and relId for the root node).
  • The request parameter timeStamp gets the table data stored in the table bean as a map.
  • To update/interact with any ENOVIA objects, obtain the context from the request" in the cancel process JSP using this code:
context = (matrix.db.Context)request.getAttribute("context");

See Pre Process URL for an Editable Structure Browser for code samples for retrieving request parameters and table data.