Examples to invoke the emxIndentedTable.jsp with cancelProcessURL: Set the href of any command object using macros where appropriate: ${COMMON_DIR}/emxIndentedTable.jsp?mode=Edit&table=<indentedtable_name> &cancelProcessURL=${SUITE_DIR}/emxCustomCancelProcess.jsp or Invoke emxIndentedTable.jsp with custom JSP pages using the relative path (macros are not supported): ../common/emxIndentedTable.jsp?mode=Edit&table=<indentedtable_name> &cancelProcessURL=../<Application Directory>/emxCustomCancelProcess.jsp If both a cancelProcessURL and cancelProcessJPO are specified, the cancelProcessURL is processed first followed by the cancelProcessJPO. The cancel process JSP has the following input parameters available for the cancel processing:
context = (matrix.db.Context)request.getAttribute("context"); See Pre Process URL for an Editable Structure Browser for code samples for retrieving request parameters and table data. |