About Processing the Structure Browser Edit View

The system invokes preprocessing before loading the editable structure browser page. It invokes cancel processing when a user clicks a Cancel or View button, or closes the editable structure browser component.

The system invokes post processing after completion of the edit process. The system performs the edit process, post process JSP, and post process JPO in a single transaction. If any exception happens in the edit process or post process, the system rolls back the entire transaction.

You can specify a pre/post/cancel processing JSP or JPO by passing the parameters listed in the table below to emxIndentedTable.jsp.

These parameters are applicable only for edit mode.

URL Parameter Possible/Default Values Description



The JPO to use when a user clicks the Edit button on a structure browser component






The JSP called before displaying an editable structure browser page. Specify the JSP name using the macro for the page location, or use the relative path as listed in the examples.



The JPO to use when a user clicks the Apply Edits option on a structure browser component.





Example: ../engineeringcentral/emxCustomPostProcess.jsp

The JSP called when a user clicks the Apply Edits option on a structure browser. The configured JSP is called after the edit processing and database update. Specify the JSP name using the macro for the page location, or use the relative path as listed in the examples.



The JPO to use when a user clicks the View, Cancel, or close window button on a structure browser component





Example: ../engineeringcentral/emxCustomCancelProcess.jsp

The JSP called when a user clicks the View, Cancel button or closes the component window. Specify the JSP name using the macro for the page location, or use the relative path as listed in the examples.