Subscription Options Dialogs

The dialog box users see when they Subscribe to an object is defined by emxSubscriptionDialog.jsp (in the components directory).

To define the notification sent when a subscribed event occurs, refer to Configuring Subscription Events.

emxSubscriptionDialog.jsp allows users to subscribe to a single object or multiple objects by the menu command passing the APPSubscription or APPSubscriptionMultiObject command as described in the following sections. When subscribing to multiple objects, they must be the same administrative type of object (that is, all Part objects, all ECR objects, but not a mix of objects).

The following topics are discussed:

Subscribing to a Single Object

When a single object ID is passed to emxSubscriptionDialog.jsp, the user can:

  • Subscribe to any supported events
  • Unsubscribe from any previously-selected events

When the objectID is passed to the JSP, it determines the state of subscribable events and shows events that have previously been selected as checked, and those that are not selected as unchecked. The user can toggle between checked/unchecked, and the state when the Done button is clicked determines whether or not the JSP will subscribe or unsubscribe the user from events.

For a single object, the command APPSubscription is passed and supports these parameters and settings:

Parameter Description Value


Name of the command



Property key used to obtain the label from the properties file



URL of the Subscribe command


Setting Description Value

Target Location

Subscription dialog should always be in a popup window



Specifies whether the system should send the object ID(s) (and relationship ID, if applicable) for the current page to the JSP specified in the href parameter. For subscriptions, this setting must be True.

If not specified, the system assumes it is false.

true--Submits the IDs to the URL specified in the href parameter.

Access Expression

Access Function

Access Mask

Access Program

Controls access to the subscribable event. For details, see Controlling User Access to User Interface Components.


Registered Suite

The application the column belongs to. The system looks for files related to the column in the registered directory for that application, which is specified in

For subscriptions, use Components.


Event Type

The name of the event to use as value for the object's Event Type attribute.

Folder Content Changed

Folder Created

History Bit

Same as the history events returned from the transaction trigger and is used to define the command name associated with a subscription event.



Access Description Value


By default, this command is available to all users with the role Global user

Global User

Subscribing to Multiple Objects

A JPO can pass a comma-separated list of objectIds to emxSubscriptionDialog.jsp. When multiple objectIds are passed in, the page does not check the status (checked or unchecked) of events. No events will be shown as selected, even if some of them have previously been selected. The user cannot use this version of the dialog box to unsubscribe from events.

All Object IDs passed into the emxSubscriptionDialog.jsp page must be of the same admin type. Unlike the single subscription dialog box, this dialog box can only be used to subscribe to events; it cannot be used to unsubscribe from events.

Parameter Description Value


Name of the command



Property key used to obtain the label from the properties file



URL of the Subscribe command


Setting Description Value

Target Location

Subscription dialog should always be in a popup window



Specifies whether the system should send the object ID(s) (and relationship ID, if applicable) for the current page to the JSP specified in the href parameter. For subscriptions, this setting must be True.

If not specified, the system assumes it is false.

true--Submits the IDs to the URL specified in the href parameter.

Row Select

Used only for links on table pages. Specifies whether the JSP specified for the href expects one, at least one, or no rows in the table (Middle Frame) to be selected.

For subscribing to multiple objects, this setting must be set to "multi" and the setting Submit must be set to "true".

If not specified, it is assumed to be none.

The JSP specified for the href expects at least one row in the table (middle frame) to be checked. If no item is selected, then the user will see the following message: "Please select an Item". This message corresponds to the following key value in the file: emxFramework.Common.PleaseSelectitem

multi-Appropriate only for links that appear on table pages that have check boxes or radio buttons for each row.

Access Mask

Controls access to the subscribable event. For details, see Controlling User Access to User Interface Components.


Registered Suite

The application the column belongs to. The system looks for files related to the column in the registered directory for that application, which is specified in

For subscriptions, use Components.


Event Type

The name of the event to use as value for the object's Event Type attribute.


Folder Created

History Bit

Same as the history events returned from the transaction trigger and is used to define the command name associated with a subscription event.



Access Description Value


By default, this command is available to all users with the role Global user

Global User