About Notifications for Subscriptions

ENOVIA products include several JSPs to support subscriptions configured with notifications.

Refer to About Customizing Properties Files for instructions on customizing notifications. When defining the attributes for a Notification object to be used with a subscription event, use these JSPs for the specified attributes:

Notification Object Attribute Method in emxSubscriptionUtil Argument Passed Description

Dynamic To List



Retrieves all users who subscribed to the event.

Body Text


Context context, String xmlDataString

Converts an XML string into plain text using an out-of-the-box XSL file



Context context, String xmlDataString

Converts an XML string into HTML format using an out-of-the-box XSL file

The Body Text and Body HTML attributes are optional for Notification objects, however, they are required when the notification is triggered by a subscription event. See the following sections for XML templates you can use to define the strings to pass to the listed methods.

When calculating the Dynamic To List, the method evaluates this expression:

from[$<relationship_PublishSubscribe>].to.from[$<relationship_ Publish>||to.attribute[$<attribute_EventType>]==
'Folder Created'].to.from[$<relationship_SubscribedPerson].to.name

where Folder Created is replaced with the appropriate event type.