About Subscriptions

Subscriptions use JPOs to notifiy subscribers when events occur.

See Configuring Subscription Events for instructions on customizing subscription events. See Working with Subscriptions for information on how a user interacts with subscriptions.

The subscription JSPs are stored in the components directory. You use these JSPs to control the subscription process:

  • emxSubscriptionDialog.jsp: configures subscriptions on a single object
  • emxSubscriptionPushDialog.jsp: allows one person to subscribe another person to events for a single object

Subscription events for an admin type follow the same inheritance as other admin types. For example, if a subtype does not have any subscription events defined, the system looks to its parent for events. If any type in the hierarchy has a subscription event defined, then that subtype supports subscriptions for that event.

Subscriptions can use the recursive option. When the subscription event is defined, it can be specified as recursive (Is Recursive=true) or not (Is Recursive=false). When false, the user does not have the option of subscribing using the recursive option. When true, the user has the option to subscribe with or without recursion.

When a user selects the recursion option when subscribing to an event, the user will be notified when that event takes place on the object or on the related objects (only those objects connected using the specified relationship).

For example, an adminstrator has defined a subscription event for the Folder Created event for the Workspace admin type. In the definition, these settings were specified:

  • Is Recursive=true
  • Recurse Relationship="from[$<relationship_DataVaults>], from[$<relationship_SubVaults>]"

When a user subscribes to the event AND chooses the "Apply to sub levels" option (enables the recursion function), then whenever a folder is created and connected to the Workspace, or in any folder connnect to that folder.

The subscription dialog can be configured to support a single object or to support multiple objects, or to allow one person to push a subscription to another person.

The ENOVIA products install subscribable events as required for business processes. You can create additional subscribable events. See Configuring Subscription Events for instructions on using the Business Modeler to create a new subscribable event.