Column Values as Images

The column value can be an image. The table column displays the primary image associated with the business object.

When an image is checked in, the Image Manager checks in the primary image, then generates and checks in multiple sizes of that image. You can define which size to use in the table column using the Image Size setting which takes a value of the symbolic name for Small (default), Thumbnail, Medium, or Large.

To configure a column to display images, use these settings:

  • Column type: image
  • Image Size: format_mxSmallImage, format_mxMediumImage, format_mxThumbnailImage, format_mxLargeImage

If you configure the column as an href value, clicking the image opens the image in a new window. If you do not configure an href value, clicking the image opens the Image Viewer in a new window.

See for details on the system properties that define defaults for images in configurable components. SeeManaging Images for instructions on using the Image Viewer and Image Manager.