The valid URL formats are defined by the emxFramework.DynamicURL.Keywords parameter in the file. The emxFramework.DynamicURLEnabled system parameter controls this feature. If enabled at the system level (in the file), it can be disabled for specific columns by passing the Dynamic URL = disable setting. Dynamic URLs can be entered in any free-form text fields. Dynamic URLs cannot be entered in a field if:
Users enter the URL in straight text, such as "http:\\\abc.jsp?param=value" or, and then the system converts the text to hyperlinks. These examples would be converted to http:\\\abc.jsp?param=value and, respectively. When Dynamic URLs are enabled, mxLink values are also enabled. Users can enter an mxLink value in a text field, and the framework converts that entry into a hyperlink. The user can type in the mxLink keyword and value, or search for the mxlink value. See Links to ENOVIA Objects for details on how a user enters the value. The format entered in the text field is: mxlink:<type>|<name>|<revision>|<vault> For example: mxLink:Part|Part-5000-01|0|eService Production This string is translated to a URL pointing to the default page for the object, such as: http://server:8080/ematrix/common/ emxNavigator.jsp?objectId=32902.4369.56921.33541 and displays as a hyperlink such as: Part Part-5000-01 0
When the user clicks exits an editable field, the table validates the mxLink entries and displays an error message if any of the values could not be resolved. The user has the option of saving the data anyway, or canceling and fixing the error. If more than 10 errors are found, the message lists up to 10 errors and indicates there are additional errors. When processing the <type> of an mxLink, the framework uses the symbolic name (for example, type_Part), and looks up that symbolic name in the string resources properties file for the language the browser is set to and displays the internationalized name of the type. If the string resources properties file does not contain an entry for the type's symbolic name, then the type displays as entered. See Links to ENOVIA Objects for variations on this format, such as ommitting vault or revision, and using the latest revision identifier. If a user omits the vault or in the mxLink, the framework automatically adds the vault to the stored hyperlink. If a user omits the revision identifier, the framework automatically adds the latest revision identifier to the stored hyperlink. In edit mode, if the column containing a dynamic URL or mxLink is defined as non-editable, then the it shows as a link the same as in view mode. |