Inserting a New Node into Details Tree

You can insert a new node into a tree.

To insert a new node (after creating/connecting a new object) in the details tree, use the following methods:

top.addDetailsTreeNode(String objectId, String jsTreeID);
top.addDetailsTreeNode(String objectId, String jsTreeID, 

                       String emxSuiteDirectory);
top.addDetailsTreeNode(String objectId, String jsTreeID, 

                       String urlParams);

This method adds the new node along with the categories defined in the administrative menu object. The menu used for building the new tree is based on the objectId.

emxSuiteDirectory is an optional parameter to insert an application-specific alternate tree.

urlParams is an optional parameter to add any additional URL parameters like "treeLabel=TaskNote&emxSuiteDirectory=engineeringcentral".

The following method is deprecated. If existing custom code uses it, the code will work for now, but the method will be eliminated so you should no longer use it.

top.addContextTreeNode(String objectId, String jsTreeID);
top.addContextTreeNode(String objectId, String jsTreeID, 

    String emxSuiteDirectory);