See URL Parameters Accepted by emxTree.jsp. emxTree.jsp is the main JSP to control the display of any tree, and it is located in ematrix/common. You can create the new tree in a separate popup window or replace the existing page. By default, the emxTree.jsp gets the menu object that has the same symbolic name as the selected object's type and is connected to the top-level tree menu called Tree. emxTree.jsp requires the ID for the selected object. You pass this information using the objectId parameter. For example, if the selected object is a part, the page looks for a menu object named type_Part. If no such object exists, the page uses the tree defined for the object's parent type. If there is no tree for the parent, the page looks for a tree defined for the grandparent, and so on. If the page reaches the top level type and finds no tree defined for it, it uses the default tree. (For information on using application-specific alternate trees and custom trees for an object, see Specific Trees for an Object Type.) |