About Navigation Trees

Navigation trees let users access information related to a particular business object.

Navigation trees consist of:

  • root node that represents the business object
  • categories under the root node that represent information related to the business object, such as history, attached files, and approvals

The following graphic shows an example of the Categories menu, the implementation of the navigation tree, that the system displays when a user views detailed information for a part. The root node containing the name of the object always displays at the top of the tree. The categories of relevant information display in a menu list below the object name.

Note: In prior releases, the Categories displayed in a pane at the left of the data window. The emxFramework.LegacyTree property in emxSystem.properties enables or disables this feature system-wide. By default, this property is set to false and users see the Categories menu shown above. If set to true, the Categories menu does not display on the toolbar and the left pane containing the categories list displays. When using the Categories menu (the default value of true for the LegacyTree property), you can override that setting for a specific page by passing the legacyTree=true URL parameter to emxTree.jsp.

Users view the information in a tree by clicking a particular category. Most categories display table pages with lists of objects in the category for the selected object. To view the Properties page for the object, the user clicks the object's name at the top of the tree or the Properties category. By default, the system automatically selects the object's name when the tree first opens, but you can configure a different category as the default display. (See the DefaultCategory parameter for emxTree.jsp and the Default Category setting for tree menu objects).

Because different object types typically require different categories, you can configure trees for each type of object. For example, the tree for a part needs a category for related ECRs, while the tree for a supplier needs a category for locations. Trees for different object types may have categories in common, such as history and attached files so ENOVIA Business Process Services provides a default tree containing many common categories. The system uses this default tree if you do not define one for an object type. You can control user access to every category in a tree. For more information, see About the Default Tree.

Users access a tree by choosing a business object from a table page. (Within the context of the user interface design, this is the only way for users to select a tree, but a different design could allow users to access trees from other components.) The following graphic illustrates a user selection.

The system displays the object's navigation tree as the Categories menu. By default, the system selects the default page for the object.

Within the context of the dynamic UI design, categories in navigation trees are always nouns. They present lists of related items or attributes for the item. Action commands are in the page Actions menu.