A single RPE variable that is
created from the ARG string in an appl wizard command,
which can be read by any of the wizard's supporting code to receive input
from its 'caller.' If you want to pass multiple pieces of information
from the caller to the wizard, you would need to format the information
into a single string with an identifiable delimiter (for example, |). For
example, to pass a businessobject type, current state and owner, you
could collect them into a Tcl variable sArgString as follows: set sArgString "$sType|$sState|$sOwner"
appl wizard bus $sBusId MyWizard $sArgString
Then, the wizard program that reads the WIZARDARG
RPE variable could split it up again as follows: set sArgString [mql get env WIZARDARG]
set lArgList [split $sArgString |]
set sType [lindex $lArgList 0]
set sState [lindex $lArgList 1]
set sOwner [lindex $lArglist 2]