Menu objects for menu types (installed with
framework) |
Menu type name |
My Desk (displays as ) Actions Toolbar |
Menu objects for application submenus within
a menu type (installed with applications) |
Three-letter standard abbreviation for application
name, followed by the menu type with no spaces. |
ENCMyDesk TMCActions |
Menu objects for root node of trees |
Symbolic name of the tree type or the type's
parent type. |
type_Part type_DrawingPrint |
Menu objects for toolbars |
Three-letter standard abbreviation for application
name, followed by the name of the action or feature
the toolbar is used for, followed by "ToolBar", with no spaces. |
ECBOMListToolBar TMCProjectsToolBar APPRouteSummaryToolBar SPCTechSpecActionsToolBar |
ENOVIA Portal objects for object PowerView |
Three-letter standard abbreviation for application
name, Feature name, "PowerView". |
SCSRFQPowerView |
Channel objects |
Three-letter standard abbreviation for application
name, followed by feature name, followed by "Channel". |
SCSRFQLineItemsChannel |
Command objects for channel tabs |
Three-letter standard abbreviation for application
name, followed by feature name. |
SCSRFQLineItemsAttachments |
Command objects for toolbar items and tree categories
on pages |
Three-letter standard abbreviation for application
name, followed by the action or feature name, followed
by the type of command (Actions, MyDesk, Tree, Toolbar, or TreeCategory).
ENCCreatePartActions TMCEditProfileToolbar AEFLogoutToolbar |
Table objects |
Three-letter standard abbreviation for application
name, followed by the feature name. |
ENCBOMList TMCWorkspaces SCSBuyerDesks
Inquiry objects |
Three-letter standard abbreviation for application
name, followed by the list name or the feature the
inquiry is for. |
ENCCBOM TMCPersons SCSPackages |
Web Form objects |
Three-letter standard abbreviation for application
name, followed by the object type or feature name. |
ENCPart SCSBuyerDesk |
Web Form fields |
Name of the field |
Name Description Part Classification Originated
By |