Naming Conventions

This section lists naming conventions used for UI objects installed with the framework and for business logic and utility methods.

Naming Conventions for UI Administrative Objects

The naming convention for most objects includes a three-letter abbreviation for the application that uses the object (for example, ENC forEngineering Central). These abbreviations are listed in the following table.

Application 3-Letter Abbreviation
ENOVIA Business Process Services AEF, APP, or TMC
Defect Management DFT
Engineering Central ENC
Library Central LIB
Materials Compliance Central MCC
ENOVIA Product Line Management PRC
Program Central PMC
Requirements Central RMT
ENOVIA Sourcing Central SCS
Supplier Central SUP

If you create custom objects, create your own abbreviation based on your custom application name. These naming conventions apply to everyone creating custom objects, including customers, partners, and ENOVIA Professional Services. The only objects that do not use the three-letter abbreviation are the top-level menu objects and the menu objects for the root node of trees. Menus for tree nodes use the symbolic name of the object type (type_Part). Do not include spaces in the names for UI administrative objects.

Admin Object Type, Usage Convention Examples
Menu objects for menu types (installed with framework) Menu type name

My Desk (displays as )



Menu objects for application submenus within a menu type (installed with applications) Three-letter standard abbreviation for application name, followed by the menu type with no spaces.



Menu objects for root node of trees Symbolic name of the tree type or the type's parent type.



Menu objects for toolbars Three-letter standard abbreviation for application name, followed by the name of the action or feature the toolbar is used for, followed by "ToolBar", with no spaces.





ENOVIA Portal objects for object PowerView Three-letter standard abbreviation for application name, Feature name, "PowerView". SCSRFQPowerView
Channel objects Three-letter standard abbreviation for application name, followed by feature name, followed by "Channel". SCSRFQLineItemsChannel
Command objects for channel tabs Three-letter standard abbreviation for application name, followed by feature name. SCSRFQLineItemsAttachments
Command objects for toolbar items and tree categories on pages Three-letter standard abbreviation for application name, followed by the action or feature name, followed by the type of command (Actions, MyDesk, Tree, Toolbar, or TreeCategory).




Table objects Three-letter standard abbreviation for application name, followed by the feature name.




Inquiry objects Three-letter standard abbreviation for application name, followed by the list name or the feature the inquiry is for.




Web Form objects Three-letter standard abbreviation for application name, followed by the object type or feature name.



Web Form fields Name of the field



Part Classification

Originated By

Do not use abbreviations already used by ENOVIA products when creating custom objects:

Naming Conventions for Business Logic

ENOVIA Live Collaboration classes use a standard naming convention to make it easier to find business logic and utility methods.

For business logic, there are three basic classes for each type found in the schema: 1 front-end Bean and 2 back-end JPOs (the base class and derived class). These 3-tuples make up the majority of the Beans and JPOs. The Bean name mimics the type name. The JPO names contain the Bean name, but also include a prefix of emx and often the package name. The base JPO name has a suffix of Base.

The remainder of the classes typically act as containers for utility methods. The utility methods are bundled by the function they were performing or the type of administration object they were acting on. The name of these classes contain the functional identification or name of the administration object, and are typically followed by the Util suffix. These Beans are found in the util subdirectory.

For example:

  • Part Beans



  • Part JPOs

    emxCommonPartBase, emxCommonPart

    emxSupplierPartBase, emxSupplierPart

    emxPartBase, emxPart

  • Part JPO trigger method:
    * @trigger PolicyECPartStateReviewPromoteAction
    public void floatEBOMToEnd(Context context, String[] args)
  • Object in database:

    T: eService Trigger Program Parameters

    N: PolicyECPartStateReviewPromoteAction

    R: floatEBOMToEnd