admin |
? |
Not enabled |
ancestor[].* |
Ancestors of the group |
Returns a list of all ancestors of the current
group. With [], returns TRUE/FALSE, depending on whether any ancestor
matches the condition in []. If the string in brackets has a bar
character, the text before the bar is a a pattern and the text after
the bar is an expression that acts as a where-clause. If there is no
bar, the entire string is considerned the pattern. |
assignment[].* |
Assignments that the group has |
Lists all assignments |
child[].* |
Child values on group |
If child[] is specified, returns child names
and values. If blank, returns all child names and values. |
description |
? |
Value |
email |
? |
Value |
hidden |
Is this group defined as hidden? |
True/False |
id |
Group identifier |
Value |
isagroup |
Is a group? |
True/False |
isaperson |
Is a person? |
True/False |
isarole |
Is a role? |
True/False |
mask |
List of accesses |
Defaults to accesses of person |
modified |
Time and date the administration object was
modified |
Value |
modified.generic |
Time and date in generic format (independent
by an Administrator) the administration object was modified |
Value |
name |
Group name |
Value |
object[ ] |
a corresponding business object |
Returns a business object where the type matches
the string in [ ] and the name is the same as the group's name. If no
string is given, the object type is group, with case ignored. In a case
sensitive environment if more than 1 type meets that criteria (such as
both a Person type and a PERSON type), OR if there are more than 1 object
with the same type and name that are not in the same revision chain,
the object with the latest originated date is returned. When objects
with same type and name are in the same revision chain, the latest revision
is returned. |
originated |
Time and date the administration object was
created |
Value |
originated.generic |
Time and date in generic format (independent
by an Administrator) the administration object was created |
Value |
parent[].* |
Parents of the role and group. |
Without any "." or [], returns a list of all
parents. With [], returns TRUE/FALSE, depending on whether any parent
matches the condition in []. If the string in brackets has a bar
character, the text before the bar is a a pattern and the text after
the bar is an expression that acts as a where-clause. If there is no
bar, the entire string becomes the pattern. |
person.* |
Person values on group |
If person[] is specified, returns person names
and values. If blank, returns all person names and values (see Selectable Fields for Person). |
property[].* |
Associated properties |
If property[ ] is specified, returns property
names and values. If blank, returns all property names and values. |