Selectable Fields for Product

This section lists the selectable fields for product objects.

Selectable Fields for Product
Field Description Output
addon Is the product an add-on product? True/False
casualhour Prepaid hours per month of a casual license Value
casualhour.value Number of prepaid hours Value (integer)
casualhour.person Associated person name Value (string)
casualhour.product Associated product name Value (string)
description Product description. Value
dependency Relationship to licensed products. Value
derivative Relationship to licensed products  
dynamic Is the product a dynamic product configuration? True/False
hidden Is product defined as hidden? True/False
modified The time and date the product was modified Value
modified.generic Modification time and date in generic format (independent of the MX_NORMAL_DATETIME_FORMAT and MX_DECIMAL_SYMBOL settings chosen by an Administrator) Value
onlineinstance Prints all information available for a product with a person who has an onlineinstance Value

See the example below for details of printing information for a Person object that has been assigned with onlineinstance. Online instance ID Value (string)
onlineinstance.product Associated product name Value (string)
onlineinstance.person Associated person name Value (string)
onlineinstance.casualhour Prepaid hours of a casual license Value (integer)
originated The time and date the product was created Value
originated.generic Creation time and date in generic format (independent of the MX_NORMAL_DATETIME_FORMAT and MX_DECIMAL_SYMBOL settings chosen by an Administrator) Value
person[].* Persons assigned to the product. Without any "." or [], returns a list of all persons. With [], returns TRUE/FALSE, depending on whether any person matches the condition in [].

If the string in brackets has a bar character, the text before the bar is a a pattern and the text after the bar is an expression that acts as a where-clause. If there is no bar, the entire string becomes the pattern.

See the example below for details of printing information for a Person object that has been assigned with onlineinstance.

property[].* The associated properties If property[ ] is specified, returns property names and values. If blank, returns all property names and values.
richclient Is the product a rich client? True/False
technical Is the product a technical product? True/False
title The full name of the dynamic product configuration. Value
webclient Is the product a web client? True/False

Example: Printing information for a Person assigned with Onlineinstance

MQL<7>print product ENG select person; 
product ENG 
person = user-11-u 
person = user-12-u 
MQL<8>print product ENG select person.onlineinstance; 
product ENG 
person[user-11-u].onlineinstance = DSUSA029 
person[user-11-u].onlineinstance = 
person[user-12-u].onlineinstance = 
person[user-12-u].onlineinstance = DSUSA029 
person[user-12-u].onlineinstance = DSUSA030 
MQL<9>print product ENG select onlineinstance; 
product ENG 
onlineinstance = DSUSA029 
onlineinstance = DSUSA030 
MQL<10>print product ENG select onlineinstance.person; 
product ENG 
onlineinstance[DSUSA029].person = user-11-u 
onlineinstance[DSUSA029].person = user-12-u 
onlineinstance[DSUSA030].person = user-12-u