Refresh the table display page using a JavaScript API.
The following code is a template that illustrates the custom filtering described above:
/////////////////// START Code Template /////////////////////
//Declare the table bean with session scope
<jsp:useBean id="tableBean"
// Start the JSP code
// Get the table ID from the request
String tableID = Request.getParameter(request, "tableID");
// Obtain the object list for the current table using the
MapList relBusObjList = tableBean.getObjectList(tableID);
// Obtain the requestMap which contain all the request params to
HashMap requestMap = tableBean.getRequestMap(tableID);
// Process the object List and filter it to create a new MapList
of filtered object List
MapList filteredObjPageList = ?.
// Set the filtered object list for the current table using the
tableBean.setFilteredObjectList(tableID, filteredObjPageList);
// End JSP code and Start the Javascript code to call the
refresh method as below
<script language="JavaScript">
///////////// END Code Template ///////////////////////////////