The ENOVIA Variant Configuration Central Schema Migration Tool leverages the Common Migration Framework and runs as a multi-step process, as follows:
- Find Objects for Pre-Scan—This step queries the objects that need to be scanned for pre-migration.
- Perform Pre-Scan—The next step performs pre-migrations, evaluating the structures and determining the migration path.
- Find Objects to Migrate—The next step queries the objects that need to be migrated, and writes their object IDs to a series of files.
- Scan Data to be Migrated—This step runs through all the logic of the migration step (the next step) but does not commit the changes in order to identify any potential issues that may be encountered during the migration.
- Perform Migration—The files created in the previous step are then used to perform the migration for those object IDs.
- Clean Up Schema References—The final step cleans up any old schema references.