Viewing Common Groups

The Common Groups page allows you to view and edit the common groups and their subfeatures for a design variant.

Before you begin: Access the Design Variants page for a logical feature. For details, see Viewing Design Variants.
Related Topics
About Common Groups
Adding to a Common Group
Renaming a Common Group
  1. From the Configuration Features table, select a design variant.

  2. From the page Actions menu or page toolbar, click View Common Group List.

    The table contains the following information:

    Name. Name of the logical feature to which the design variant is assigned. The second level lists the available common groups for the design variant.The third level lists the subfeatures assigned to those common groups.

    If the common group for the design variant is context specific, the name column lists the different contexts where the logical feature is used with that common group.

    Type. The type or subtype.

    State. The current state of the feature in its lifecycle.

    Name. The name of the feature.

    Selection Type. Shows the selection option of the feature, such as "May select only one," "Must select one or more," etc.

    Default. Specifies whether the values for the features are default values.

    Variant Option. Name of the configuration feature to which the common group is assigned.

  3. Use any of the following commands from the page Actions menu or page toolbar to work with the common group list. The commands under the page Actions menu or toolbar function according to the object selected from the Name column.

    • Add Common Group/Values. Adds selected subfeatures to a new common group or to a common group that already exists.
    • Rename Common Group. Renames a common group from the list.
    • Remove Common Group/Values. Removes checked common groups or subfeatures from the list. If you remove the last subfeature in a common group, the common group is removed also. This removes the relationship between all checked items and the common group. It does not delete the items from the database.