Viewing Where an Object is Used (Referenced By)

Many objects within Library Central can be added to an unlimited number of other container objects and folders. You can view the page that lists all objects that are one level higher in the class hierarchy for any of these objects:

  • Library (document, general, or part)
  • Class
  • Document Family
  • Document and Document Sheet
  • Part Family
  • Folder

This tool lets you know where else an item is used before you add, move, remove, or delete items from it.

To access this page:

  1. Locate the needed object. See Searching in Navigation Mode or use the menus.
  2. Click the Name of the needed object.
  3. On the page toolbar, click Categories > Referenced By.

Column Name Description
Name Name of the classification where the object is used. Click to view the default page for the parent object (usually the Properties page or a list of classes or other content).
Rev The revision number or code.
Type The type of related object.
Title The title of the object.
Description Details about the object.
State The current state of the object in its lifecycle.
Owner The person currently responsible for the object.
Opens the properties page of the parent object in a new window.