Finding and Selecting Attribute Groups

To add an attribute group to a class or part family, you need to search for and select the needed group.

Before you begin: View the list of attribute groups added to a class or part family; see List of Attribute Groups in a Class.
  1. Select Add Existing from the page Actions menu or toolbar.

    If this class or a subclass contains classified objects, they will acquire the attributes of the groups you select. In this case, you see this message:

    If you add attribute groups to this class, all classified objects in 
    the class and below will acquire the attributes of those groups with 
    their default values.
    This will affect all classified objects regardless of state or 
    N objects will be affected. Do you want to proceed?

    Click OK.

    Any attribute groups already associated with the class, whether directly or by inheritance, cannot be selected and show with a gray check box.

  2. To filter the list of groups:

    1. Enter criteria for any combination of these items:

      Filter Criteria Description
      Name matches Choose the type of Name Match from the drop-down list:
      • Name Matches. Filter based on the name of the attribute group
      • Includes Attribute. Filter based on whether the attribute group contains a specific attribute
      Name Matches If you chose Name Matches for the type of match, type a name or part of a name, using the asterisk as a wildcard. Multiple names can be included, separated by commas. For example, filtering on A*,B* will show all names that start with A or B. Use exact case and do not include spaces.

      If you chose Includes Attribute for the type of match, enter the attribute name, using the asterisk as a wildcard.

      Only Unused Check this box if you want to show only attribute groups that are not already included in a class or part family.

    2. Click Filter.

  3. Check the needed groups

  4. Click Done.

    If the attribute groups selected for addition contain any attributes which are already in use in this class, or in any subclass, either by direct contribution or by inheritance, a message is shown:

    The groups being added to this class contain attributes that are 
    already present in other attribute groups assigned to this class or its 
    subclasses. While this is permitted, only one attribute instance will 
    be maintained for the classified objects. Click OK to continue.

    Click OK.