From the listing of timesheets, click the Timesheet you want to view.
For the timesheet selected, the page lists these columns:
Name. The name of the project and the tasks
against which the efforts are entered. You can click the name of the
project or task to view its details.
Type. The specific object against which the
efforts are entered. For example, Project Space, Tasks, or Phase.
[Days of Week]. The effort entries for each
day of the week. You can click on an effort's value to edit it if its
state is not Approved or Submit. Efforts are entered only for Tasks or
Phases; they are totaled on the Project level.
Total. The total effort for the week.
Planned Efforts. The total planned effort for
the week.
State. The state of the line item effort. States
can be Submit, Approved, or Rejected. If a line item is still in process,
its State is blank.
In Detailed View the following fields also display:
Remaining Effort. The remaining
efforts in hours required for completion of the corresponding task.
<Status>. Shows a red icon when the task
required more than the planned efforts as indicated by the Remaining
Efforts value.
Comments. Any comments.
Submitted On. The date on which the effort
was submitted.
Approver. The name of the approver(s).
Appr./Rej. On. The date on which the effort
was approved or rejected.
Progress. The graphical progress on the task.
It displays the % completion of the task.