Creating a Product Version

This task shows you how to create a new version of a product. Products can have one or more versions. When you create a new version, a copy of the structure is carried over by default and you can change or add features and options.

The revision sequence for products is alphabetic. Product versions are alpha-numeric. You can change these settings by using Business Modeler to change the policy's revision sequence number.

Before you begin: Access the list of product versions. For details, see Product Versions Page.
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Running a Search
About Product Versions
About Product Revisions
  1. From the page Actions menu or page toolbar, click Create.


  2. Make modifications, as necessary. The following can be changed:

    Version. Shows the next version in the sequence. You can accept the default or specify a custom version.

    Description. You can add details to the description or replace the existing description.

    Owner. Click to assign a different owner for this version of the product. The current owner of the product is shown.

    Design Responsibility. Click to assign the organization or project that has design responsibility for the product.

    The design responsibility must be assigned before the product reaches the Release state. Once a product has been assigned a design responsibility, all new revisions will carry the same.

    Marketing Name. Shows the current marketing name of the product. Type the new name, if required.

    Marketing Text. Shows the current marketing text of the product. Type the new text, if required.

  3. Click Done.