Listing Duration Keywords

Duration keywords can be listed when viewing the WBS page of projects or project templates. While viewing duration keywords you can create, edit, or delete keywords.

Before you begin: View the WBS for a project. See Listing WBS Tasks within a Project or Task.
  1. From the WBS page for a project or project template, click Duration Keywords from the Actions drop-down menu.

    You see the list of duration keywords.

    For each keyword, this page lists these details:

    Name. The name of the keyword.

    Duration Map. Indicates how the keyword is mapped, for example, WBS Task, Lag Time, or All.

    Duration. The duration value for the keyword expressed in either day or hourly units.

    Description. The description of the keyword.

  2. Use the page Actions menu or toolbar to work with the duration keywords:

    Create New. Adds a new duration keyword. See Creating a Duration Keyword.

    Delete. Deletes the selected keywords. Click the checkbox next to the name for the keyword(s) you want to delete and then select Delete. You will need to confirm the deletion.

    Edit. Makes changes to the selected keyword definition. Click the checkbox next to the name of the keyword you want to modify and then select Edit. See Editing a Duration Keyword.

    Edit All. Lets you make changes to all keywords. See Editing All Duration Keywords.