Choosing Items by Selecting from a List

As you work in Program Central, you frequently need to choose an item or items that are in the database. In most cases, you need to execute a search to find the items you want. If there are typically few items, the system presents a select page so you can choose the items. For example, if you need to choose an item type, you choose from a select page, often called a Chooser page.

  1. From the page that lets you specify the item, click for the item.

    The Select page opens for the item, listing the items that you can choose. The system may limit the list based on items you have access to. For example, the list of workspace folders only includes folders you have access to. If an item can't be selected, for example, because it is already selected or its state does not allow it to be selected, the check box/button for it is gray and unavailable.

    If you can select more than one item, the page shows a check box next to each item, letting you select as many as you want. If you can select only one item, the page shows a button next to each item. This graphic shows a Type chooser that lets you choose only one type.

    To find VPLM object types when attaching deliverables, you must expand the External Deliverable type.

    This page shows a vault chooser that lets you select more than one vault.

  2. Choose the item or items you want to select.

    If the items are organized in a hierarchy, and most items are, the lower-level items are indented and listed under the higher-level items. If a higher-level item has lower-level items, there is a + next to the item. To expand a higher-level item, click the + next to it. To contract a list, click - .

    If you are using the VPLM Program Management Integration, the available VPLM vaults (instances) are listed for selection.

  3. Click Select or Next or Done. The button name depends on the page where you started the selection process.