From the task's Categories menu, click Efforts.
When a Gate/Milestone is created with the "Project Review"
policy, the Efforts node is not available in their Categories menu.
For each effort, this page lists these details:
. Opens the WBS page for the task. See Listing WBS Tasks within a Project or Task.
Name. The name of the task or assignee. To see task details, click the Name of the task.
- Week Ending. The week ending date for the effort submission. A week starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday, making Saturday the week ending day.
- State. The state of the task or effort.
[Effort Status]
- No flag: the effort is in an Assigned state, not complete but not yet due.
- Green: the effort is in an Approved state.
- Yellow: the effort is in a Submit state.
- Red: the effort is in a Reject state.
Duration. The number of days or hours in a WBS task.
Percent Allocation. The percent of an assignee's allocation to the task.
Effort [Hrs]
- Plan. The plan effort for the assignee This equals the duration of the task * percentage allocation of effort for the assignee * 8 hours.
For example, assume a task with:
Duration = 5 days
Assignee #1 is assigned 50% effort for the task.
Assignee #2 is assigned 75% effort for the task
Assignee #3 is assigned 100% effort for the task.
Calculation of Plan Effort:
Plan Effort for Assignee #1 = 5 * (0.5) * 8 = 20 hours.
Plan Effort for Assignee #2 = 5 * (0.75) * 8 = 30 hours.
Plan Effort for Assignee #3 = 5 * (1) * 8 = 40 hours.
Total Plan Effort = 20 + 30 + 40 = 90 hours.
- Total. The total approved effort against a task by the task assignee. The Total Effort at the WBS Task level is the sum of all the approved effort for all the task assignees.
- Pending. The total submitted effort for the task assignee against a task that is in either the Rejected or Submitted state. The Pending Effort at the WBS Task level is the sum of all the Pending effort for all the task assignees.
- Remain. The remaining effort planned for a WBS Task. The following are algorithms for calculating the remaining effort for a WBS Task:
- The initial calculation of Remain Effort for an assignee = Plan Effort for an assignee.
- The subsequent calculation of Remain Effort for an assignee = previous Remain Effort for an assignee - Assignee Submitted/Approved Effort.
- Total Remain Effort = sum of all assignees' remaining efforts.
Below is an example, with the basis:
Duration of the WBS task = 5 days
Estimated Start Date = Monday, August 2, 2004
Estimated End Date = Friday, August 6, 2004
Assignee #1 is assigned 50% effort for the task.
Assignee #2 is assigned 75% effort for the task
Assignee #3 is assigned 100% effort for the task.
Remain Effort for Assignee #1 = Plan Effort = 5 * (0.5) * 8 = 20 hours.
Remain Effort for Assignee #2 = Plan Effort = 5 * (0.75) * 8 = 30 hours.
Remain Effort for Assignee #3 = Plan Effort = 5 * (1) * 8 = 40 hours.
Total Remain Effort = Total Plan Effort = 20 + 30 + 40 = 90 hours.
At the end of 1st week (week ending August 7, 2004):
Assignee #1 submits 4 hours of effort.
Remain Effort for Assignee #1 = 20 - 4 = 16 hours
Total Remain Effort = 16 hours.
Assignee #2 submits 16 hours of effort.
Remain Effort for Assignee #2 = 30 - 16 =14 hours
Total Remain Effort = 16 + 14 = 30 hours.
Assignee #3 does not submit any efforts.
Remain Effort for Assignee #3 = 40 - 0 = 40 hours
Total Remain Effort = 16 + 14 + 40 = 70 hours.
Total Approved Effort = sum of approved efforts = 0.
Project Manager approves all submitted efforts.
Total Approved Effort = 4 + 16 = 20 hours.
At the end of 2nd week (week ending August 14, 2004):
Assignee #1 submits 12 hours of effort.
Remain Effort for Assignee #1 = 16 - 12 = 4 hours.
Total Remain Effort = 4 + 14 + 40 = 58 hours.
Assignee #2 submits 8 hours of effort.
Remain Effort for Assignee #2 = 14 - 8 = 6 hours.
Total Remain Effort = 4 + 6 + 40 = 50 hours.
Assignee #3 submits 16 hours of effort for last week.
If Assignee #3 has effort to submit from last week, the assignee must enter last week's effort first.
Remain Effort for Assignee #3 = 40 - 16 = 24 hours.
Total Remain Effort = 4 + 6 + 24 = 34 hours.
Assignee #3 submits 16 hours of effort for this week
Remain Effort for Assignee #3 = 24 - 16 = 8 hours.
Total Remain Effort = 4 + 6 + 8 = 18 hours.
Total Approved Effort = sum of approved efforts = 20 hours.
Project Manager approves all submitted efforts.
Total Approved Effort = (20 previous approved) + 12 + 8 + 16 + 16 = 72 hours.
Completed. The percentage of the effort that is completed. Below are the algorithms used to calculate % completed:
- The total percent complete for the task should = Total Approved Effort / (Total Approved Effort + Total Remain Effort)
- % Complete does NOT include submitted efforts NOR rejected efforts.
- Once the task is in state Active, the percent complete on the effort summary page will be reflected on the WBS task summary page.
- The % Complete on the WBS summary page can override the percent complete that was derived from the effort summary page.
- Effort can still be captured even if a task is considered 100% complete.
- If the WBS summary page % complete is greater than the % complete on the effort summary page, then the WBS summary page takes precedent over the % complete on the effort page.
Estimate End Date. The WBS task estimate end date assigned to the task.
Predicted End Date. Calculated based on the number of days remaining for a task. The project manager has the ability to accept or reject this date as the new Estimated End Date for the WBS task. However, when the Estimated End date is changed it is possible that other tasks in the Work breakdown structure will be affected because of dependencies.
Below are algorithms used to calculate the predicted end date: