Edit the following as needed:
Task Name. The name of the task.
Policy. The npolicy governing the task.
Brief Description. The brief description of the task.
Constraint Type. The type of constraint for this task, which specifies when the task should be completed within the project.
For non-summary tasks, values can be "As Late as Possible", "As Soon as Possible", "Start No Earlier Than", "Finish No Earlier Than", "Start No Later Than", "Finish No Later Than", "Must Finish On", or "Must Start On".
For summary tasks, values depend upon whether the project schedule is from the start date or finish date.
Constraint Date. Constraint Types other than "As Soon as Possible" or "As Late as Possible" have a constraint date.
Task Requirement. Indicate whether this is an optional or mandatory task. The system's default behavior requires all tasks, even optional ones, to be completed before the project can be completed.
Calendar. The calendar associated with the task. Click the chooser button to select a calendar.
Project Role. The role responsible for completing this task.
You cannot edit the task duration on this page. See Editing the WBS.